Social Security Disability Insurance


The Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI) are federal programs intended to help people who are unable to work due to medical disabilities. Most people are initially turned down when they apply for Social Security disability benefits, even though they are disabled and they do qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Therefore whether you are applying for Social Security disability or SSI, or if you have been denied this benefit you need to consult an attorney who knows the process, paperwork, and detailed rules and regulation on Social Security disability.


소셜씨큐리티 의 SSDI 와 SSI는 장애나 질병 또는 상해로 인해 일을 할수없는사람을 위해 만들어진 연방 프로그램 입니다. 수해자격이 있는 사람이 SSDI 수혜 (benefits) 을 신청했는데  거절 (deny) 되는 경우 SSDI나 SSI를 재심사 요청및 항소과전에 필요한 모든 법적인 서류를 작성하고 법원에 이의를 제시하는 모든 법적절차를 전문변호사를 통해 밟는것이 중요합니다.  SSDI 항소에있어서 변호사 비용은 승소할경우에만 적용됨으로 김진환 변호사로펌에 상담을 의뢰할것을 권합니다.