Personal Injury

(former Defense attorney of a large Insurance Co.)

Personal Injury

Attorney Jeannie H. Kim, with an extensive Jury trial experience in PI together with Attorney Ken Marks, can bring you the incredible results in negotiating personal injury settlements/litigation in a personal injury court case, while keeping in mind the difficulties that a client may experience throughout this process. Attorney Kim has one of the highest winning ratio in Southern California and Attorney Marks has some of the notable following results: $7.3 million in product liability case; $2.4 million in Auto v. Bicyclist case; $1.5 million dollars in birth accident case.


김진환 변호사의 Southern California  에서 손꼽히는 높은 승리 비율과 Ken Marks  유태인 변호사의 $7.5 million product liability 사건, $.2.4 million 교통사고 사건, $1.5 million 출생사고 등의 주목할만한 결과들은 여러의뢰인이상해사건을 맡긴후 신뢰하고 편안할수 있는 밑거름이 되었습니다.  보험회사측의 상황을 훤히 아는  김진화 변호사의 폭넓은 상해 사건 경험과 Ken Marks 유태인 변호사가 함께  의뢰인들의 대형교통상해 사건및 각종상해사건들을 가장 짧은시간에 어느누구보다더 훌륭한 결과를 가져다드릴것을 확신합니다.